Chipmunk’s Butterfly Effect

This story dates back to the 7th – 5th century BCE, when the ancient epic of India, Rāmāyana, was written down. In one of the subplots, the demon Rāvana kidnapped Sīta, lord Rāma’s wife, and brought her to his palace on Lanka (today’s Sri Lanka). Rāma called upon the monkey army led by the great monkey warrior Hanumān. The army had to build a bridge in the sea between India and Sri Lanka, which is known as Ram Setu. Up to today, there are coral formations and fossils in the shape of a bridge and a new study is being conducted into its’ origins:…/explained-this-underwater…/.
All animals were called upon to help with the construction of the bridge. Even a small chipmunk came running to give a helping “paw” in this noble cause. His way of help was quite original: he dipped himself in water and then rolled in sand. With sand stuck on his fur, he would run to the construction site and shake it off. In this way, he continued to bring sand for construction.
When lord Rāma saw the chipmunk’s sincere effort, he took him in one hand and with three fingers of the other hand stroke his back…
In our own life, we don’t need to write history. No matter how minute our actions are, if we act sincerely according to our dharma (do the right thing, not the thing we necessarily like), we contribute to the greater good.
from Meera (while weeding the lawn)