Courses in INDIA
Why India? Don’t people starve there? Girl children get aborted and women get raped? This is often the only image that we get exposed to through the Western media. Of course, India is a fast-growing and changing society with the corresponding challenges. Yet, it still lives its’ 5000 years old history and knowledge almost in an unmodified form. The ancient holistic scientific disciplines such as yoga and Ayurveda emerged in India and gain significance in today’s hectic world, where modern medicine cannot often offer a helping hand.
So why should you travel all the way to India to attend a course? India cannot be described in words, it cannot be even experienced, it has to be lived. Away from your daily routine and thought patterns, you will get a chance to break your habitual thinking patterns and pave the way for a change. You can read more about the Indian experience in the blog article “India – My Guru”.
For more info about our courses and retreats in India, please click on the events below.
Upcoming Events
Yoga Therapy Training – Level 1 (India) 2026
In ancient times, yoga used to be taught one-on-one. Today, group yoga classes are a more common phenomenon. However, if we want to assist our students in the most efficient […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Past Events
South India Yatra (Pilgrimage)
Spritual & cultural retreat for Yogis with Pradipa & Meera at Arsha Yoga, Kerala. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE “A yãtra pronounced yAH-trAH) is much more than a vacation. It's a sacred journey […]
Faculty Development Program for Yoga Trainers online
It is common for many yoga teachers to be forced to confine themselves to asana-pranayama and their own spiritual progress is stagnates. As a solution to this, the Indian Yoga […]
Faculty development program for Yoga Trainers ONLINE
It is common for many yoga teachers to be forced to confine themselves to asana-pranayama and their own spiritual progress is stagnates. As a solution to this, the Indian Yoga […]
Yoga Therapy Training Level 2 – Yoga Psychology and the Immune System (India)
This course gives an insight into the mysteries of the mind that Rishis (the wisemen) were able to see and describe. The knowledge of mind is present in all aspects […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Yoga Therapy Training – Level 1 (India)
In ancient times, yoga used to be taught one-on-one. Today, group yoga classes are a more common phenomenon. However, if we want to assist our students in the most efficient […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Śakti Return – spiritual retreat for women
January 16-22, 2023 with Madhavi and Meera at Arsha Yoga, Kerala, India Reconnect with your feminine power Welcome home to yourself! Are you in search of your authentic feminine power? […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Mind and Meditation (in-person and online)
with Harilalji (founder and chief yoga therapist at Arsha Yoga) in Malayalam at Arsha Yoga Gurukulam or online via ZOOM 8 days course on Tuesdays and Fridays 6-7:30am: October 11,14, […]
Prana and Pranayama (in-person and online)
with Harilalji (founder and chief yoga therapist at Arsha Yoga) in Malayalam at Arsha Yoga or online via ZOOM 8 days course on Tuesdays and Fridays 6-7:30 am: September 13, […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Yoga Instructor’s Course – training for the AYUSH certification (hybrid)
Certification Course by Ministry of Ayush, Govt of India (hybrid) Duration : 108 days / 250 hrs (Sept 11, 2022 – Dec 31,2022) Course Highlights: The YIC syllabus is equivalent to […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
SAKTI RISING – Spiritual Retreat for Women
Śiva and Śakti The main cosmic principle is the principle of antipodes: light and shadow, good and evil, activity and lethargy, yin and yang and also man and woman. One […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Za jógou a poznáním do Indie
Zdá se, že u mě dozrál čas splnit si další sen, a možná to máme podobně... V druhé polovině října 2020 plánuji na dva týdny (více mi mé povinnosti zatím […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Yoga Ashram Retreat to South India 2021
Do you find it hard to find time to do your Yoga and Meditation practice everyday? Wouldn't it be nice if you could take a total break from your daily […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Yoga Teacher Training – 1 Year (in Malayalam only)
This is 1 year yoga teacher training for local Indians in Malayalam medium. This is Arsha Yoga`s charitable project offered to people from the locality free of cost since 2011. […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India
Kalari Yoga Retreat with Kuttu and Sudarsh
Life doesn’t fit in our yogamats!! We need to extend our Yoga to the Life!! Kalariyogam is created to transform person into a level where his physical, emotional and intellectual […]
Thrissur, Kerala 680569 India