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Happiness in Daily Life based on the Bhagavad Gita
October 2, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Dear Arsha Yoga Family,
bless us with your virtual presence at the occasion of the 17. anniversary of Arsha Yoga Gurukulam on October 2nd at 5pm (IST), which is also the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and in India a national holiday. Due to the current world pandemic situation we won’t be able to meet in person, however, we will be honoured by the online presence of Sampujya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha – a living master on Vedanta – delivering a discourse on Bhagavad Gita in Daily Life. (www.narayanashramatapovanam.org/)
‘‘Bhagavad Gita is not reserved for ascetics and scholars. In fact, it enables us to understand life and attain perfection, harmony and fulfilment. It inspires and empowers one to excel in whatever field one is.”
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
About Swamiji:
Those of you, who have been to Arsha Yoga, have also visited Swamiji’s ashram – Narayana Tapovanam, near Thrissur. Most of you mentioned, that it is probably the most clean and neat place you have ever seen. Swamiji, at the age of 86, still takes rounds of the ashram, and notices even if one plant has been displaced. When we were making the event flyer, Swamiji was very particular about which way his photo should face. He has a reason for everything. The intellect is that much sharp. He is a living proof of the immense capacity of human intellect, which blends beautifully with his innocent and compassionate child-like smile.
Furthermore, Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha is widely revered as a spiritual master, scholar and exponent of the ancient Hindu Scriptures – Bhagavadgita, Srimad Bhāgavatam and Upaniśads – and is well-known for his discourses on Vedanta and its practical application in daily life. He has also been instrumental in organizing campaigns for abolition of some discriminative, derogatory and superstitious practices that were followed by some Hindu temples. He has stood strongly for restoration, preservation and promotion of national values, environmental protection, cultural and academic uplifting of village children and development and welfare of rural areas.
In 1963, he set up Narayanashrama Tapovanam, in Venginissery, Thrissur, which has, over the years, developed into a centre of intense research in the fields of Spiritual learning and Vedanta.
The Ashram plays a distinct role in making sanitary facilities and bathrooms, constructing wells, bore-wells and houses for the poor.
Support is given for medical treatment and education to indigent persons and special help is given to indigent women to generate self-employment.
The streaming of the event happens via Zoom as well as Facebook live.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5156157150…
Meeting ID: 515 615 7150
Passcode: 1010
Facebook live: Arsha Yoga
With love and pranams,
Meera, Harilal and the whole Arsha Yoga team