What does it mean to be a mother?
For my yogi girlfriends including myself after becoming mothers, their greatest spiritual practice has become the parenting itself. In other words: the yoga they had been practicing on the mat had moved to the real life yoga application off the mat 24/7. Therefore all great masters say that motherhood is the highest form of selfless service and therefore a surrender of our ego and an opportunity to grow.
Even if you are not a mother yourself, you still possess the mother’s archetype in you, which is the unconditional love, acceptance and the feeling of wholeness that everybody seeks after.
According to my experience, we can have many mothers who nurture us and the connection to our own love source other than our biological mother. However, the final destination is to accept our inborn sense of lack and embrace it in LOVE.
“The only kind of love that can make us whole is self-love arising in clarity and non-resistance of the brokenness that shows us that we were always whole. What we seek as the mother outside can only be found within. In this great self-love we are transmuted from the I healed inner child to the always whole Mother Goddess.” Kavitha Chinnayian
Happy Mother’s Day to all every day!