Yoga Teacher Training – 4 weeks intensive

Yoga Vidya Meinberg Yogaweg 7, Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany

July 1- July 29, 2018 at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Germany. Course language: English/German Learn how to teach Yoga classes – an intensive 4-weeks International Yoga Teachers‘ Training at Yoga Vidya Ashram in Germany, Europes biggest and leading Yoga teacher’s institute – with more than 20 years of experience in training Yoga teachers and […]

Yogatherapie Ausbildung – 4 Wochen Intensiv

Termin: 29.7.-26.8.2018 mit Harilalji und Meera Karanath Kurssprache: Deutsch und teilweise Englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung Du möchtest Menschen mit Beschwerden mit Yoga helfen? Du möchtest lernen, Yoga Stunden für besondere Zielgruppen mit körperlichen Beschwerden zu geben? Dann ist diese Yogatherapie Ausbildung genau das Richtige für dich. Mit der Yogatherapie Ausbildung kannst du: - kompetent auf […]

Yoga Therapy Training Level 2 – Yoga Psychology

Dates:December 1 - 12, 2018 This 12 days course offers a good understanding about the human mind and its connection with the material world, our body and soul. It deals with the knowledge spread over many Vedic scriptures of ancient India. As the Mind itself is an instrument of endless information and knowledge, even the […]

Yin Yoga Training – Anatomical Foundations

Dates: January 5 - 12, 2019 The tissue in our body needs an appropriate exercise in order to stay healthy, grow and heal. The law of our body is: Use it or lose it. Yin Yoga originated in the US and was founded by Paul Grilley. It is a soft and slow asana practice without […]

Yoga Ashram Retreat to South India 2019

Dates: January 19 - February 2, 2019 An amazing opportunity to experience Traditional Yoga Ashram life whilst exploring the very colourful Indian culture! This two week Yoga Ashram retreat to South India is an opportunity of a lifetime that will leave you feeling deeply relaxed, rejuvenated and centred. Learn the deep wisdom of Traditional Indian […]

Shatdarshana retreat with Sw. Haribrahmedrananda Saraswathi

Shatdarshana retreat with Sw. Haribrahmedrananda Saraswathi Venue: Arsha Yoga Gurukulam, thampankadavu beach, thalikkulam, thrissur Dt. Medium -: Malayalam ഹരി ഓം🙏🏽 ഉത്തരകാശി ബ്രഹ്മവിദ്യാ പീഠത്തിലെ ആചാര്യനായ സ്വാമി ഹരി ബ്രഹ്മേന്ദ്രാനന്ദ തീർത്ഥയുടെ കേരള സന്ദർശനത്തിൽ, 'ഷഡ് ദർശനങ്ങളെ' കുറിച്ചുള്ള അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ മലയാളത്തിലുള്ള 6 ദിവസത്തെ ക്ലാസ്സിനുള്ള ഭാഗ്യം നമുക്ക് നമ്മുടെ ആർഷ യോഗ ഗുരുകുലത്തിൽ ലഭിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു. 6 ദിവസങ്ങളിലായി നടത്തുന്ന ഈ ക്ലാസ്സുകളിൽ നമ്മുടെ ഭാരത പൈതൃക ജ്ഞാനമായ ഷഡ്ദർശനങ്ങളിലെ […]

Hitáhára aneb ájurvéda jako matka zdravé výživy

Infinity Yoga Space Dřevčice 212, Czech Republic

S Hariláldžím a Meerou Karanath Zdravá strava podle jógy se doporučuje v klasických textech pouze pro asketické jogíny, kteří praktikují několik hodin denně. Tedy, přiznejme si, nic moc praktického pro dnešní pracující ženu s několika dětmi za zády. Proto se pro běžný světský život doporučuje strava podle sesterské disciplíny ájurvédy. Strava je jedním z hlavních […]

Yoga Ashram Retreat to South India 2019

Do you find it hard to find time to do your Yoga and Meditation practice everyday? Wouldn't it be nice if you could take a total break from your daily responsibilities and turn your attention inside and onto your practice? Imagine how it would feel to have your day to day responsibilities taken care of, […]

Yoga Therapy Training – Level 2

Yoga Vidya Meinberg Yogaweg 7, Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany

Yoga Psychology and Autoimmune diseases/ Yoga Psychologie und Autoimmunerkrankungen For information in English please visit: Yogatherapie-Aufbaukurs für Yogatherapeuten/innen; Intensiv-Weiterbildungsseminar für Yogalehrende ohne Yogatherapie-Ausbildung In allen Aspekten des Lebens – sei es Yoga, Ayurveda, Künste, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft oder Politik – haben wir es immer mit dem Geist zu tun – ohne Geist/Psyche (Intellekt, Instinkt, […]

Ayurveda – the Science of Life

The word Ayurveda means the science of life. Yoga and Ayurveda are related as sister disciplines. Both are based on deep wisdom and knowledge that were acquired during meditations performed by sages thousands of years ago. A famous Ayurvedic doctor once said: "Ayurveda does not add to years to life, but life to years". This […]

Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course – Module B

"Yin Yoga, Upper-Body-Anatomy, Meridians & Chakra Meditation“- Module B 4. – 11. January 2020with Shakti and Maheshwara This Yin Yoga Teacher Training offers two modules and after each module students will be awarded a Arsha Yoga/Yoga Alliance 50 hour certificate. The trainings are based on the anatomical principles of Paul and Suzee Grilley and each […]

YTITC – Yoga Therapy Instructor Training Course (260 hrs)

COURSE DATES: January 16 - February 13, 2020 In ancient times, yoga used to be taught one-on-one. Today, group yoga classes are a more common phenomenon. However, if we want to assist our students in the most efficient way in response to their specific needs, we need individual yoga or in another word yoga therapy.In […]

Kalari Yoga Retreat with Kuttu and Sudarsh

Arsha Yoga Next to Anganvadi, Edasheri beach south, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Life doesn’t fit in our yogamats!! We need to extend our Yoga to the Life!! Kalariyogam is created to transform person into a level where his physical, emotional and intellectual levels are strong and balanced ,so that he can live the very life in its intensity. All his qualities will enhance not just on the […]


Online Yoga Therapy Consultation


In ancient times, yoga used to be taught one-on-one. Today, group yoga classes are a more common phenomenon. However, if we want to assist you in the most efficient way in response to your specific needs, we need individual yoga or in another words - yoga therapy. It is the birth right of every human […]

Prana, die Lebensenergie praktisch und wissenschaftlich

Yoga Vidya Koeln Lübecker Straße 8-10, Köln, Germany

Erfahre etwas über die Formen von Prana und das Konzept der Energiehülle des Menschen, die das eigentliche Immunsystem enthält. Du erlernst eine Technik der Pranakanalisierung, die zu tiefer Entspannung und Stärkung des Immunsystems und der ganzen Persönlichkeit führt. Geeignet für alle Übungslevel. Harilalji Karanath, erfahrener Yogalehrer, Yogatherapeut, Ausbilder von Yogalehrern und Yogatherapeuten. 30 €, ermäßigt […]
