Rheinland Pfalz

67346 Speyer

Claudia Wehlage

06232 318739,

0176 99755602

67346 Speyer Shakti Simone Lehner Yoga Vidya Speyer Dipl.Biologin, Heilpraktikerin,
Yoga- & Meditationslehrerin (BYV, ISYVC)
Hormonyoga-Therapeutin & Yin Yoga Teacher
Life-Balance- (BYVG) & Achtsamkeits-Trainerin (MBSR)

55411 Bingen

Gangaputra Martin Rector

e-mail: pilo@pilo.de

-Special Yoga: ChairYoga Dances, and specialized for yoga for elderly people

-Homepage: https://chairyogadance.de

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